Could you help BLEVEC*? The County emergency response executive is looking for volunteers who could be called upon to support the NHS in hospitals should the current staffing situation worsen. The expectation of response is urgent/immediate, so people who could volunteer and be available at a moment's notice.
They are looking for people who meet the following criteria:
- are double vaccinated
- trained and checked to work in hospitals
- Have a current DBS check
- Have done safeguarding training
They are also interested in those who don't meet the criteria but who would be willing to be trained.
Please contact Cass if you would be willing to volunteer:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 07920 849742
* Bedfordshire and Luton Emergency Volunteers Executive
Source: Patricia Goulding
Date: 20/01/2022
The PCC agreed the knitted square pew runners should be repurposed.
They have been stitched into dressing gowns and sent to Knit for Peace to help keep warm those in need.
To find out more about the work: of Knit for Peace:
Link -
Source: Patricia Goulding
Date: 2nd November 2021
Frank Bond completed another 'Teddy Push' today in aid of Beds & Herts Historic Trust.
His route this year took in churches in Campton, Shefford, Clifton and Meppershall, an estimated 10 mile walk.
So far sponsorship in excess of £170 has been received, but you can still contribute if you wish!
Source: Stephen Lines
Date: 11th September 2021
I know that people are interested to know what will be different about Church now Freedom Day has passed.
Our hope - our vision - and our goal - as we ease the final lockdown restrictions, is (as Keith said ) that we will rediscover the joy of being together, worshipping together, singing together and yes, having an after church cup of tea and catch up together.
There is much to consider - and it is our aim to move forward with care and caution - but to move forward. For the present socially distanced seating will remain and people will be encouraged to wear masks although this is no longer a requirement. To begin with, we are now inviting people to stay for drinks and fellowship after church and we will be singing the final hymn at our services. We would like the rota of readers and intercessors and sides people to resume - please let us know if / when you are willing to resume your role.
We envisage that 9and9 will continue online!
When you are booking a place at the service - please let us know if you need / wish to be extra cautious and we will arrange seating for those with that need.
The Church Wardens and I would really like to know your thoughts and feelings as we move forward - so please do speak to us, or email us if you have something to say.
We also envisage moving back as soon as possible to “ Every Sunday in Church” with two services of Holy Communion and two Services of Morning Worship in the Church each month…. Possibly as soon as September - but we will be keeping a close eye on how things are going.
Forthcoming Services in the Church
We will continue to observe Covid safe practices. Please contact me, Roni - well in advance - if you intend to be at Communion services so we can plan seating. You are encouraged still to wear a mask and bring your red service book if you have been given one already. P lease let us know if you wish to sing - or if you need / wish to be extra cautious and we will arrange seating for those with that need.
Dear All
Following lengthy discussions with churches in the deanery - A significant change is coming our way!
The Diocese of St Albans is proposing changes to the Benefice of Meppershall and Shefford - to become in future the Benefice of Campton, Meppershall and Shefford. That means that the Church of St Michael and All Angels Shefford will become part of the Benefice of Campton, Meppershall and Shefford. At the time of change - Revd Roni will continue as first incumbent/ Rector of the new benefice.
There is a formal consultation process ahead of this change, and I am asked to let people know of the proposal, and that anyone may make representations for or against all or any part or parts of the draft Scheme. If you would like to make your views known (please include the reasons for your views) preferably by email or by post to the Church Commissioners at the following address no later than midnight on Monday 2 August 2021. If they have not acknowledged receipt of your representation before this date, please ring or e-mail them to ensure it has been received:
Mr Matthew Crowe
Church Commissioners
Church House
Great Smith Street
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel 020 7898 1784
This draft Scheme provides for:
- the dissolution of the four benefices of Campton, Clophill and Haynes;
Maulden; Clifton and Southill; and Meppershall and Shefford - the creation of three new benefices of (i) Campton, Meppershall and Shefford; (ii) Clophill and Maulden; and (iii) Clifton, Haynes and Southill, for the appointment of their first incumbents and their places of residence, and for the future patronage arrangements for each new benefice; and
- the transfer of the parsonage house of the benefice of Campton, Clophill and Haynes to the Saint Albans Diocesan Board of Finance for diocesan purposes
A notice giving the objects of proposed pastoral reorganisation affecting this parish has or will be displayed near the main door of the Church and is available on the Church of England website
All Pastoral Schemes follow the Diocesan Principles of Pastoral Reorganisation agreed in 2018. These are publicly available on our website:
If they receive representations against the draft Scheme, the Church Commissioners will send all representations, both for and against, to the Bishop whose views will be sought. Individual representors will then receive copies of the Commissioners’ correspondence with the Bishop (including copies of all the representations) and they may comment further in writing to the Commissioners in light of the diocesan response if they so wish.
If there are no representations against the draft Scheme, the Commissioners will make the Scheme and arrange for it to be brought into effect.
You can download the original source document here
Source: Emma Critchley - Diocesan Pastoral and Advisory Officer
Date: 17th June 2021
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