Link to Hearing Advisory Service websiteOn the first Thursday of every month the Hearing Advisory Service holds a clinic at St Michael's Church (1:30 - 3:30pm) for anyone who wears an NHS hearing aid. They offer basic maintenance and battery dispensing.

If you would like to make use of this service you will need to book an appointment either by phone 01707 324582 (lines are open Tuesday to Thursday, so please leave a message at other times and they will get back to you), or online via their website at

Link to Eco Church WebsiteAt St Michael’s we are working towards the Eco Church Bronze Award.  (And then, hopefully, silver and gold!). Eco Church is all about the care of the church for God’s Earth, and we can all be involved, both at church and at home.  In all aspects of our lives there are ways to make more caring, ecological choices in what we choose to do, use, buy.  Some things are easy, some more challenging, some you might never have thought of …

Here are some links to get you started, including an environmental lifestyle audit for you to use at home to see what differences you could make. It certainly got me thinking!

Source: Claire Searle

Date: 4th July 2023

We are currently planning for a re-ordering of our Lady Chapel. The plans will include the provision of more accessible seating and additional storage.

View of existing Lady ChapelThis image is of the Lady Chapel as it currently exists, showing the side-facing pews (one of which is not safe to sit on).

Links below are to copies of documents and plans submitted to St Albans Diocese to get a faculty for the re-ordering (similar to planning permission).

Statement of Need

Additional Information

Existing Floor Plan

Proposed Floor Plan


Source: Patricia Goulding

Date: 4th April 2023

Here is a link to this year's draft Mission Action Plan for you to download and read.


Source: Rev Roni Goodman
Date:31st March 2023

Sadly, it has become increasingly obvious that the bench is in a fairly hazardous position in relation to crumbling/falling masonry from the west face of the tower.

We are therefore planning to remove it, cut out the concrete which is to be replaced with turf.

Click here to view the Public Notice.

NEED LogoIn Conjunction with the Need Project, Shefford Methodist Church are now opening their church each Wednesday morning, 9.30- 11.00 am to offer 'best before date' food to anyone in need.

Anyone is welcome to use this “Hub” - no referral is needed.

This will not affect families / individuals who already get food parcel deliveries from the Need Project.


Date: 16th October 2022

Source: Revd Roni Goodman