Dear All.
I hope this letter finds you safe and well.
Good news!
Our PCCs have approved a return to “corporate worship” in our Benefice from the 14th March - which means that our first Communion Service in St Michael’s will be on Sunday 14th March at 9am.
Services as we return to having Services in the Church
We will continue to observe Covid safe practices. Please contact me, Roni - well in advance - if you intend to be at Communion services so we can plan seating. Remember to wear your mask and bring your red service book if you have been given one already.
As we have it at the moment:
- Friday 12th March Private Prayer in Church (10.00-3.30pm)
- Sunday 14th March 9am Holy Communion in Church
10.30 on line Morning Worship, Facebook and YouTube - Friday 19th March 10.30am Holy Communion in Church
Private Prayer in Church (10.00-3.30pm) - Sunday 21st March 10.30 on line Morning Worship, Facebook and YouTube
- Friday 26th March Private Prayer in Church (10.00-3.30pm)
- Sunday 28th March 9am Holy Communion in Church
10.30 on line Morning Worship, Facebook and YouTube - Good Friday 2nd April to be confirmed
Do you need prayers?
We have a small group of intercessors who will continue to pray confidentially for those who ask for prayers. If being held in prayer in that way is something you would like, please talk to Roni or Jenny.
Together or apart - let us continue to hold one another in prayer, and where possible to reach out in love and service.
With my love and prayers,
Be safe, keep well, and God bless you,