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 24 Hour Famine Begins...

Photo: The YNU  group gather on the bridge to start collecting their waterAt 1pm on the dot today, the youngsters from Shefford YNU Youth Group gathered on the river bridge in North Bridge Street to start their 24 hour famine in aid of World Vision.

One child dies every 15 seconds through lack of clean drinking water and basic sanitation. That's not a one-off disaster - it happens every single day with crushing monotony.

This is the challenge that the YNU group have risen to - helping World Vision in their quest to ensure that everyone has access to clean drinking water and basic sanitation as a matter of right. Wherever they live.

Photo: Water being pulled up from the river in buckets onto the bridge in North Bridge StreetRiver water was hauled up to the bridge in buckets, filtered, and then exchanged for their next 24 hours rations (drinking and washing)

Most of the rest of the afternoon will be spent at St Michael's Church where they will be building a 'coin river' out of donated coins.

Photo: two of the YNU members wearing 'sandwich boards' to promote the eventSunday 15th February will see the group visiting the Methodist Church, St Michael's and the Baptist Church to give a presentation/drama production in support of their efforts

Please do whatever you can to help our youngsters

Read All About It!

Date 14th February 2004

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