Online worship will continue for those unable to attend, so St Michael's and our sister churches, St Mary's in Meppershall and All Saints in Campton are still worshipping together on-line; still loving and still reaching out.
We are doing this twice a day at 9 0'Clock (Monday to Saturday):
- 09am is Morning Prayer. If you are able to, please download the Lectio 365 App to follow along with the LIVE broadcast: https://www.24-7prayer.com/dailydevotional
- 9pm is Compline
Simply join us via Facebook Live.
St Michael & All Angels Church is committed to high standards in the safeguarding and care of children, young people and vulnerable adults. To report a concern or learn more see Safeguarding Information and read our Safeguarding Policy.
You can also view a signed copy of our Safeguarding Statement which confirms that we have adopted the House of Bishops' 'Promoting a Safer Church; safeguarding policy statement'.
If you would like to make a donation (regular or one-off) to St Michael's Church to help us with running this important community hub and place of worship, we have teamed up with the Parish Giving Team to provide a safe and secure way of doing so online - just click here.
What's On
Saturday 11th January
11:00 - 13:00 Shefford History Group
Sunday 12th January
9:45 Morning Worship - Baptism of the Lord
Monday 13th January
19:00 - 20:30 Karaoke Night @ Shefford Methodist Church
Tuesday 14th January
10:30 - 12:00 Community Café
Wednesday 15th January
10:00 - 11:00ish Mini M New Term Worship & Fun
Friday 17th January
10:30 Morning Worship
11:30 - 12:30 Friday Market Café
Sunday 19th January
9:45 Holy Communion - Epiphany 2
Tuesday 21st January
10:30 - 12:00 Community Café
Wednesday 22nd January
10:00 - 11:00ish Mini M Play & Chat
Friday 24th January
10:30 Holy Communion
11:30 - 12:30 Friday Market Café
Sunday 26th January
9.45 Morning Worship - Epiphany 3
Monday 27th January
19:00 - 20:30 Karaoke Night @ Shefford Methodist Church
Tuesday 28th January
10:30 - 12:00 Community Café
Wednesday 29th January
10:00 - 11:00ish Mini M Worship & Fun
Friday 31st January
10:30 Holy Communion
11:30 - 12:30 Friday Market Café
Following guidance from H.M.Govt. and the Church of England St Michael's Church is closed until further notice.
HOWEVER, the Church is much more than a building, so St Michael's and our Sister Church, St Mary's in Meppershall are still worshipping together, still loving and still reaching out.
We are doing this via Facebook Live twice a day ('9and9'):
- 9am is "Coffee and Morning Prayer". If you are able to, please download the Lectio 365 App to allow you to engage fully with this.
- 9pm is 'Cocoa and Compline'
After a few teething problems with the technology things seem to have settled down and are now working nicely. If you are able to, please come and join our growing online Church at Facebook Live