
We are streaming services via Facebook live twice a day.




Online worship will continue for those unable to attend, so St Michael's and our sister churches, St Mary's in Meppershall and All Saints in Campton are still worshipping together on-line; still loving and still reaching out.

We are doing this twice a day at 9 0'Clock (Monday to Saturday):

Simply join us via Facebook Live.


St Michael & All Angels Church is committed to high standards in the safeguarding and care of children, young people and vulnerable adults. To report a concern or learn more see Safeguarding Information and read our Safeguarding Policy.

You can also view a signed copy of our Safeguarding Statement which confirms that we have adopted the House of Bishops' 'Promoting a Safer Church; safeguarding policy statement'.


Click here to make a donation
If you would like to make a donation (regular or one-off) to St Michael's Church to help us with running this important community hub and place of worship, we have teamed up with the Parish Giving Team to provide a safe and secure way of doing so online - just click here.

What's On

Sunday 24th November

18:00 Assisted Dying Prayer Vigil

Monday 25th November

1900 - 20:30 Karaoke Night (temporarily at Shefford Methodist Church)

Tuesday 26th November

10:30 - 12:00 Community Café

Wednesday 27th November

10:00 - 11ish Mini M Play & Chat

Friday 29th November

10:30 Holy Communion

11:30 - 12:30 Friday Market Café

Friday 29th November - Sunday 1st December

Christmas Tree Festival (see news item for details)

Saturday 30th November

15:00 - 21:00 Shefford Christmas Lights Switch-on & Festivities (see news item for details)