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Aim : to demonstrate the importance of Persistence as a strategy in relationship to the second theme 'There is nothing so awful that we can't talk about it with someone' and personal networks.

Time : 15 - 20 minutes

Materials : Flip chart and marker pens

Ask the group to identify the second theme of Protective Behaviours.
('There is nothing so awful that we can't talk about it with someone')

Which other parts of the Protective Behaviours process, do you think relate to that theme?
(networks, early warning signs, network review, one-step-removed, feelings are feelings …)

Now, we're going to look at another strategy that can help us with this theme: 'There is nothing so awful that we can't talk about it with someone'

Activity : The Persistence Game

Please choose a partner to work with.

Person 1 says to Person 2 "I need to talk to you."
Person 2 Looks up at the ceiling, or at a wristwatch, or sighs

Person 1, please take one minute to tell your partner something that happened the last time you went shopping.

Now let's swap places.
Person 2 says to Person 1 "I need to talk to you."
Person 1 Looks up at the ceiling, or at a wristwatch, or sighs.

Person 2, please use the next minute to tell your partner about your last birthday.

How did it feel to be ignored?

If that happened to you in real life and there was something really important that you wanted to talk about with someone, what would you do?
(keep on until I found someone who will listen)

There's a word for keeping on keeping on - persistence.
When we try to find someone on our network to talk to and that person isn't available, some people might be tempted to give up. But that's why we have at least four people as well as the people at home on our networks. When we find that our first choice is not there to talk to, we can go on to our second choice.

If that person isn't around then what can we do?
(try another)

Try another and another and another until we find someone who will listen to us.
That's what is known as persistence.

Sometimes adults label persistent children as pests! In fact persistence is one of the skills that can help us feel safe. In fact, there is a well known proverb that is relevant to the strategy of persistence: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Possible adaptations or applications to the Church context:

  • Romans 2. 7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honour and immortality, God will give eternal life.
  • If people hadn't persisted when things got rough, the Bible would be a very dull and uninspiring set of stories. Find as many examples of persistence as possible.
  • Explore some of the prophets. They are good examples of people who kept on keeping on.

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