Feeling Safe
Standing Strong

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Aim : to examine the importance of reviewing personal networks.

Time : 15 - 20 minutes

Materials : Scripts

Network review means checking on a regular basis to be sure that our network of people we can talk to is up-to-date and ready to use when necessary.

  • Can you remember why we chose a minimum of five people to be on our network? (so that we have a choice of people we could talk to)
  • Why might we need to review our network? (people move away, are unavailable, prove unsuitable)

Activity : Role Play
Here is a scene. Ysmena has been chosen to be on Emma's network. Emma is bothered about something. Her early warning signs are telling her that she feels unsafe about a situation. This is what she says to Ysmena:

Emma: Ysmena. I have some friends who went to the shop on the way to school and left without paying for stuff. What do you think?
Ysmena: Wow! I'd never have friends like that! Who are they? Didn't you tell on them? You should never go with them again.

Did Ysmena feel safe to you?
How might Emma be feeling?
What thoughts might be going through her head?
If you were Emma, would you keep Ysmena on our network?
Let's try someone else: Emma's neighbour Desmond.

Emma: Hi. Have you got a minute? Some friends of mine went into the corner shop on the way to school and left without paying for some of the stuff they had taken. What do you think?
Desmond: Oh dear! What did you say to your friends after they told you about this?
Emma: Nothing.
Desmond: Well, what could you do to help your friends not make that mistake next time they visit the shop?

  • How did that feel to you?
  • How might Emma be feeling this time?
  • What might she be thinking about?
  • What might she decide to do?
  • Would you keep Desmond on your network if you were Emma?
  • If you were Emma, how might you choose someone to replace Ysmena?

A good network can help us in good times, as well as times when we are feeling uncomfortable, unsafe or worried. To be effective we need to review our network from time to time. The end of a school term can be a good opportunity, especially if some people on your network won't be around during the school holidays or are moving on.

Possible adaptations or applications to the Church context:
Look at the way in which some characters from the Bible carried out their own form of Network Review.

  • 1 Samuel 20 and 21 David leaves Jonathan and goes to Ahimelech
  • Acts 1. 12-26 The disciples replace Judas.

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